Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and support parks projects in Portage.
Ways you can donate to the PPF:
- Click the "Donate Now" button to support general park improvement
- Click the yellow "Donate" button to support one of our dedicated funds described below
- Mail a check with noted fund designation to:
Portage Parks Foundation
c/o Portage Parks & Recreation
320 Library Lane
Portage MI 49002
EIN: 84-2036232
Reforestation is a big job, and it will require the collective effort of our community to make it happen. By planting trees today, we can ensure a thriving healthy forest for tomorrow.
Your donation to the Portage Parks & Recreation “Leaf-A-Legacy” program will directly support the purchase and planting of trees throughout the City of Portage park system. The May 7, 2024 tornado devastated Portage, destroying thousands of trees, and hitting the Celery Flats Historical Area and the Portage Creek Bicentennial Park trail especially hard. Together we can restore the lush forests that make Portage a wonderful place to live, work, and play.
Only native trees, recommended by our forester for the correct ecosystem location, tree species, and plant diversity will be planted in the parks. Trees will be planted in areas where they are needed most. Every donation will receive a personalized “Leaf-A-Legacy” donor certificate, either in your name or to honor or memorialize someone special. Additional benefits are available based on your level of giving.
Our goal is to plant at least 400 trees (approximately six to eight feet tall) over the next two years. This effort will revitalize Portage, reforest our natural lands, and provide homes and food for wildlife, as well as clean air and water for future generation.
Click here or on the image below for details regarding donation instructions (including a donation form for cash/check donations), contribution methods, and points of contact for further questions.
Your gift toward the Portage Parks system will go toward the continued development of the community’s Park resources. The City of Portage has over 1,000 acres with 18 parks in one City to swim, fish, bike, walk and play. The Park system is also home to a large variety of wildlife including turkey and deer, and one of the few cold-water brown trout streams for fishing in southwest Michigan. Help keep our natural environment a great resource for individuals and families to explore together.
Nothing is more frustrating to a bicyclist than a flat tire or loose gears. When your miles from home, you can ease your mind with these sturdy and durable bike repair stations. A cyclist has access to all the basic tools they would need to make repairs or adjustments. The tools are securely attached to the stand with stainless steel cables and tamper-proof fasteners. Hanging the bike from the hanger arms allows the pedals and wheels to spin freely while making adjustments.
Portage has over 19 miles of paved trails for cyclists, skaters, and pedestrians. Expansion of the trail system continues to grow and connect neighborhoods and businesses with recreational sites each year. This Endowment Fund will establish a permanent funding source to support the maintenance and continued development of the Portage non-motorized trail and trailhead maintenance projects. We are seeking donations toward the $50,000 goal to establish the Portage Trail Endowment Fund with the Kalamazoo Community Foundation.
Portage Parks & Recreation is looking for a community partner to help give the gift of parks and recreation programming to area youth in need. With this partnership, we can award sponsorships to Portage youth, ages 18 years and younger, living in a household that meets the established income guidelines of those eligible for financial assistance through the Youth Recreation Scholarship Fund. Your sponsorship will provide eligible youth financial assistance with the programs such as those listed below.
· Great American Campout
· Tennis Camp
· Swim Lessons
· Young Birders Academy
· School of Fish Camps
· Kid’s Try It: Sports
· Kid’s Try It: Arts
· Family Camp
· Archery Classes
The We-Go-SwingTM allows everyone to swing together! The placement of the handlebars allows those seated on the bench or in their wheelchair to contribute to the swinging motion ensuring that all are part of the swinging experience. All children will actively engage the muscles throughout their bodies to make this swing soar. This helps them build their motor planning skills, strength, and balance as they swing. There is plenty of room for children of all ages to sit and/or stand together and enjoy a ride to the stars or take a gentle ride down the river or to any other world they can imagine.
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